Mission Statement Generator - by ComfyChair

We can be relied upon to completely and quickly engineer advantages for corporate intellectual capital in order to professionally network access to unique leadership skills whilst continuing to build enterprise-scale content.

Quote by Chip Diller (Kevin Bacon), movie Animal House



The never ending supply of unique and accurate Mission Statements produced by this Fantastic Contraption™ will enable you to:



About this exquisite service:

The legendary Dilbert Mission Statement Generator went offline in 2008 and I couldn't find a good replacement. So I made this. I hope it will cater to all your Mission Statement needs even though my contraption is nothing but a faint shadow of the original.

The Dilbert Mission Statement Generator was also known as:
* Dilbert's Automatic Mission Statement Generator
* Dilbert's Mission Statement Generator

No Animals Were Harmed in the Making of this Mission Statement.

©ComfyChair™ & Son Productions Ltd. Est. 1885